General rules in amigoflats

Bills paid by tenants


The responsible consumption of all basic utilities falls on the flatmates. The basic utilities in a flat are: Water, Electricity, Gas and WiFi Internet

Bills NOT Included

This is the fairest and most transparent way to charge for the cost of utility bills. The tenant pays their room rental price + 35€/month for bills (water, electricity, gas and internet):

If the tenants' consumption of bills is less than 35€/month: The landlord will return any excess money at the end of the semester

If the tenants' consumption of bills is more than 35€/month: The tenant will pay the excess owed at the end of the semester


Real information for cost of bills over 10 months

Room rental price + 35€

Tenant pays +35€ per month to cover cost of utility bills
Bills paid by landlords

The Landlord

The landlord already has the utilities contracted for the flat in their name. This saves you the time, effort and money of having to set up your own supplies and contracts. The landlord will also periodically inform their tenants of their usage and expenditure so that they can view and control your consumption

The following bills are ALWAYS paid by the landlord:

Community building bills

Bills for the maintenance, lighting and cleaning of communal areas as well as building administration costs (which are included in the bill of monthly neighbour community costs)


IBI 'El Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles'(a Spanish property tax). This is a tax that is charged to all properties and is controlled by local governments. The average cost of this tax per year in Spain is 700€ per year

Home insurance

Home insurance that covers all constructive and structural elements of the property

Home repairs

All necessary repairs to basic installations in the flat (repairs to the electric system, tubes and pipes, blinds etc) as well as repairs due to general wear and tear of electrical appliances (for example: fridge, oven, boiler etc) and furniture (beds, study desks etc) will be paid by the landlord, so long as there has been no foul play or lack of care taken by the tenant